Olivia's Pool: Average Gaps for Phish Shows
All shows from 1990 through early 2016 and their average song gap. Easy to find a specific date. Hard to spot any trends or outliers. Blue means largest gap of that year. Black means smallest. Click a date to see the setlist for that show or click a gap to see the gap chart for that show.
One chart per year from 1990 through early 2016. Each bar represents a show. The height of each bar is the average song gap for that show. Not as easy as a table to find specific dates. Easy to spot trends and outliers. Blue means largest gap of that year. Black means smallest.
One grid per year from 1990 through early 2016. Each square represents a show. The color represents average song gap for that show. Darker means bigger gap. Straightforward to find a specific date. Easy to spot trends and outliers. Most fun.